Approval process for new UAS newsletters

This is to reduce the proliferation of newsletters, and ensure communications are as coordinated as possible.

This page outlines the considerations for UAS sections when proposing new newsletters; as well as criteria and process for approving them.  


Please note, approval is only required if the newsletter is intended for staff and students in the wider University from UAS sections. It is not required for newsletters designed for staff within individual UAS sections, or for audiences outside the University.

Newsletter considerations

When deciding whether to set up a new newsletter, you should first consider the following questions:


  • What evidence is there that there is a clear user need for the newsletter, that can't be filled by other channels?
  • How does it fit in alongside other existing channels? Is there an established newsletter you could use instead?
  • What are the objectives of the newsletter, and how will these be measured?
  • Are there any new initiatives that coming up in the future, which might mean the newsletter is no longer required in the longer term?


  • Is there an overlap with any another UAS sections (or a department within the same UAS section), and have they been consulted?
  • Does the Section Head support its creation?


  • Are there resources in place to deliver it? Are these sustainable in the long term?
  • Who will sign off on the content each edition?
  • Who will it be sent to, and how will the recipients be determined?
  • What software will be used to create and disseminate it?
  • How will you ensure it meets accessibility requirements?
  • Do you have measurement metrics in place? How will you measure engagement and reach of the newsletter, and how will these feed into its development?
  • Are there any risks, and how will these be mitigated?

How to apply for newsletter approval

If you wish to apply for a new newsletter to be approved, you should write a brief outline of the proposed newsletter, addressing the questions listed above (no more than one side of A4).


You must then seek approval from your Section Head. Once the Section Head has approved it, you will then need to submit it to the Head of Communications, Students and Professional Services, via the relevant communications lead for your section.


Newsletters will be approved based on the following criteria:

  1. There is a clear user need for the newsletter, beyond existing channels
  2. There are clear objectives for the newsletter and evaluation metrics in place
  3. The relevant parties have been consulted about its creation - and support it being delivered
  4. There are sufficient resources in place to deliver and sustain the newsletter
  5. The team involved has the relevant tools to send and manage it
  6. Relevant risks have been mitigate