Communications Hub : All Pages
Picture credits
Accessibility statement for the University of Oxford – UAS websites on the Oxford Mosaic platform
UAS Mosaic site business and service owners
Writing content for UAS websites
Create accessible PDFs from Word documents
Image, video and iframe management in Mosaic
UAS Mosaic templates guidance
UAS Mosaic accessibility compliance
UAS Mosaic manual
UAS strategy for URL aliases
SSO guidance for UAS editors
UAS Mosaic user roles
Requesting UAS Mosaic template changes
Applying for a new UAS Mosaic website
UAS web style guide
UAS Mosaic Silktide guidance
UAS Mosaic Sharepoint guidance
UAS website collection managing editors' group
UAS website collection steering group
UAS Mosaic support
UAS Mosaic website collection lead editors
Guidance for UAS website editors
UAS website governance
UAS websites editor training
Communications channels across the divisions
Communications networks
Using e-newsletter software guidance
Oxford Talks
Social media channels
Creating a social media presence
Social media tools
External training providers
College comms contact information
How to: work with local media
Live streaming
Photography and filming GDPR toolkit
How to guide: installing a TV monitor in your department
How to guide: writing an internal communications strategic plan
Filming Q&A
Working with Oxford’s NHS Foundation Trusts media teams
Photography and filming
Digital communications
Event management
Communications resources
How to guide: blogging about research
How to guide: writing a lay summary
Lecture series
University Ceremonies
Building openings
Visits by Parliamentarians and Heads of State
Other events, including those on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor
Beginner's guide to running events
Setting event objectives
Event materials
Dress code for guests at events
Working with VIPs at events
Choosing a venue
Selecting a caterer
Audio visual
Event security
Delivering your event
Post-event evaluation
Online registration platforms
Health and safety guidance
Compiling and managing a guest list
Event management toolkit - Templates
Event management toolkit and Templates
About the University Events Office
Making online events accessible
Making in-person events accessible
Making events accessible
Events & GDPR
Digital accessibility
Social media accessibility
Web accessibility
General accessibility guidance
Creating accessible documents
Accessibility training and resources
UAS communications protocols
Communications principles
Email best practice
Communications contacts
Key University mailing lists for staff
UAS Guidance
Making effective websites
UAS Mosaic website guidance for utilising SharePoint Online
Communication events
Images – what makes a good picture?
Images - Best practice
Images - Copyright
Approval process for new UAS newsletters
Accessible teaching and learning resources
Events Office Privacy policy – Microsoft Forms
Running virtual and hybrid events
Virtual events: (1) Pre-event planning
Events Office Privacy policy - Email RSVP
Virtual event: (2) Lead up to the event
Virtual event formats
Virtual event: (3) Managing the event itself
Virtual event: (4) Post-event
Eventbrite Privacy Policy
Research communications
About the Research and Innovation Communications team
Research news stories
When to issue a press release
How to write a press release
Alternatives to the press release
Comment and analysis from Oxford experts
Hosting members of the media
Resources for research and innovation communications
Press Release Request Form
Filming Application Form
Channel matrix
International Women’s Day: Increasing gender diversity in enterprise
University Cascade
Oxweb manual
Oxweb content checklist
Guidance for Oxweb website editors
Oxweb Silktide guidance
Google Analytics for Oxweb
Advice for researchers on giving media interviews
Social media: safety and wellbeing
Social media guidance
Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
Pull-up banners
Using the Oxford logo on screen
Using the Oxford logo for print
Using the Oxford avatar logo for social media
Using multiple identifiers with the Oxford logo
Using the Oxford logo in video
Protecting the University logo
Theme packs
Identity guidelines
The Oxford logo
Visual identity guidelines
UAS Channel Framework
Guidelines on the use of generative AI
Communications Hub: Use of cookies on this website
Monitoring and reporting
Team/Zoom backgrounds
Creating a stronger, better connected University-wide Communications Community
Communications Community
Event management service
Building creative connections