Can suppliers of goods or services to the University use the Logo?
Suppliers of goods or services to the University sometimes request permission to use the University’s Logo on their website to identify the University as a customer. Such requests are frequently difficult to reconcile with the need to avoid the endorsement of products and services, since obtaining an endorsement is generally the desire of the supplier. The University does not license the Logo or its name for the endorsement, or acknowledgement, in regards to the purchase of products or services. Requests for the use of a testimonial or case-studies by a supplier should also be refused, as these are also considered an endorsement of non-University goods or services.
Can external schools and colleges use the Logo?
It is permissible to supply the Logo to indicate in a general sense that students from that school or college have subsequently attended the University. The logo should only be allowed for use as an identifier within a group of other academic institution identities.
Can alumni use the Logo?
Licences to use the Logo are not granted to individual alumni. The Alumni Office may grant alumni groups permission to use logos specifically designed for this purpose.
Can students use the Logo?
Students are not entitled to use the Logo. It is not a requirement to have the University logo on thesis submissions, or any student-owned materials.
Can student clubs and societies (including sports clubs) use the Logo?
Student clubs and societies (including sports clubs) are not entitled to use the Logo. If they are registered with the Proctors in accordance with the applicable rules, permission to use the ‘Belted Crest’ or ‘Arms’ can be granted via the Proctors’ office on standard terms. Customising the University logo, the ‘Belted Crest’ or ‘Arms’ to create a new logo is not permitted.
Can the Logo be used on reports summarising or referring to commissioned research?
Care should be exercised in using the Logo on reports summarising commissioned research. The Logo should not be used if the research was conducted by an academic as part of a direct consultancy agreement with that individual academic only. If the report is not wholly prepared by the University, the Logo should not be used in any manner that could lead anyone to conclude that any research/analysis/opinion contained within the report was conducted or is endorsed by the University if that is not the case. For example, sponsors of such research often subsequently create their own report drawing on the University’s research but providing their own analysis and opinion. Such a report should not be co-branded using the Logo, since it is not as a whole a truly joint report. However, the research conducted by the University should of course be referenced in the normal academic manner.
Can the Logo be used on websites, slides, posters, presentations, videos etc to acknowledge the University’s contribution or participation?
Requests of this nature should be considered first under the Research Projects and Collaborations or Exhibitions or Events in this guidance, and then under the Other uses section.
Can the Logo be used by companies or organisations who work with individual academics?
A working relationship with an individual academic does not on its own enable that third party to use the Logo. The relevant individual academic’s affiliation can of course be explained in words referring to their position at the University (in CV or blog-type format).
Can the Logo be used in relation to conferences?
The Logo can be used in relation to conferences that the University organises (whether alone or in conjunction with other institutions). However, the attendance of an individual academic at a conference not organised by the University does not on its own enable that third-party conference organiser to use the Logo. Similarly, the Logo should not be licensed to a third-party conference organiser simply because the conference is being held at the University or in a college.
What is the device, sometimes referred to as the 'Belted Crest' or 'Arms', used for?
The device, sometimes referred to as the 'Belted Crest' or 'Arms', forms part of the Logo and is now generally only used by the University on its own for ceremonial purposes. At the discretion of Public Affairs, it can sometimes be used in situations where the Logo is not best for reproduction purposes. A simplified version is used as an avatar for digital use (see Using the Oxford logo for social media).
Can I use a historic logo?
Historic logos can be used in the context of describing the history of the University. They should not be used as an identifying mark in any communications materials. The Heritage Logo is used for particular commercial products under special licence, but is not available for general University use.