At the Event Proposal stage you will have been asked to define the aim of your event, plus its strategic value, in the context of the University’s priorities and given the existing events calendar.
At the initial planning meeting with the University’s Events Office, the above objectives will be discussed and agreed. This is to ensure everyone involved in the management of the event is clear on what exactly the event is aiming to achieve, and that we are consistently measuring the impact of all of our activities. You should come to this meeting having already given considerable thought to what objectives you might have in each of the defined areas.
The Event Manager will also arrange a debrief meeting with key stakeholders for the week or two after the event. This is where we review the objectives of the event, assess its success in meeting these objectives, and highlight any areas that could be improved upon, as well as celebrating those aspects of the event that went well. This should be an impartial review of the event to enable future learnings.
See the event management service webpages for further information.