This is the homepage of your site and would usually only be used once per site. The whole page content is in Region 1.
At the top is a WYSIWYG for the popular link list, with the background colour already set (do not change this!) The popular links list is a 3 column link list, followed by a 1-column link list for contact details. Make sure to hyperlink everything using the "Link to content" button ("Linkit" tool).
Region 2 contains a grid of information cards, displaying four cards per row. These can be populated in different ways, either filtered, selected or static. To display icons on the cards, browse the images that are already uploaded to your media library. Please note that each card is a link in itself, and you cannot have separate hyperlinks in an information card.
Under the information cards sits a breaker, that can be used for your section's mission statement or similar content. This is simply a WYSIWYG with a background colour.
Below that is a grid for your latest news items. This will ideally be populated dynamically via a filter, so that every news item you publish will automatically appear here.